Dear Readers, how can I express my feelings of compassion for what so many of you have been going through this past month? Losing personal belongings, a home, even loved ones during these extended storms, quakes, the hurricane, and flooding over many parts of the U.S.! Then having to deal with insurance companies and finding a way back into the life style you are used to. My heart goes out to you and the best advice I can give is to focus on what is, what needs to be done and how to do it. Listening to your inner guidance at each step will help to find the answers and keep you on track. You know that the prayers of millions of people are being sent for you. I call on all of our readers to take a few minutes each morning to keep these people in your thoughts and send prayers to give them strength through these difficult times. We know that the world is re-birthing itself (so to speak) and that all of us will find our lives disrupted in one way or another as time goes on. Our understanding of our spiritual natures and the connection we have with universal love and energy gives us the ability to weather the upsets and meet the challenge with courage, strength, and dignity. We are the children of the Supreme Creator of All Things, and this Love is with us at all times.
OK Masters, September has always been a volatile month; scientists and forecasters from all ways of thinking have been forecasting another violent hurricane, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions all over the world. Please give us an overview of what to expect and warnings, if need be, of dangerous situations in the making.
MASTERS: "With so much going on around the world, we will again look at the continents with an overview around the world to some extent. The crust of planet earth is being affected by pressures from the solar system, outer space, and by the heating of the central core. The plates that make up continents and islands are being pushed and pulled; uplifting in central portions of large continents is resulting in earthquakes in areas that have been stable for centuries. This is not news to you. The North American Continent, including South America, is experiencing this uplifting in many ways. Quakes, of course, though they have been mild so far, and the displacement of the earth are causing waterways to change their courses and cause flooding and cracks in the ground. Atmospheric disruptions from the changing frequencies caused by the Sun's eruptions will continue to affect both land and sea. Yes, more hurricanes are in the making; their directions and velocities will depend upon the effects of the Sun flares in the coming weeks. We expect to see the Caribbean islands being hit very hard, and a strong possibility of the big winds hurling into the Gulf of Mexico. The exceptionally dry conditions over Africa will have a great deal to do with this. Small, deep earthquakes are becoming a common occurrence over this continent and have been bothering people's sense of balance when they happen. The surprising quakes in Virginia will spread out from that core and be felt in many areas in the coming months. Mostly, they will be felt as small tremors, but the mid west will see new cracks under their feet. Concern over volcanoes on the west coast is increasing, and with good reason. It will not be surprising to see plumes of smoke rising from one or two of these smokers this month or next. Time to re-think about living so close to them. Thunder storms will race across both continents this month, creating more flooding in areas already saturated from prior storms. There should be a quieting down of the atmosphere near the end of the month, as cooler winds prevail.
The great masses of the European continents are experiencing much the same weather anomalies, as the low lands are being flooded while the mountain ranges are moving and changing with the movements of the crust. The desert lands and mountains of the Middle East are undergoing a great deal of shifting, promoting frequencies that are changing the feelings and needs of those who have lived under conditions they were too afraid to do anything about. There will be quakes in those mountains and valleys this month and next, which will make their lives even more challenging. Even residents of Great Britain and Ireland will start to feel movement under their feet and the great bridge in London will sway, but not be damaged. Water levels continue to climb in the seas all the way to the Arctic, flooding low-lying areas. Heavy storms in northern Russia will affect their oil production and small quakes disrupt waterways and communication. Mount Etna will continue to send out smoke and ash and we feel a hard eruption is due in the very near future. Other volcanoes in the Mediterranean areas are fueling up to make themselves known. There is some very strong movement underlying this entire part of the world.
Asia, for the most part, is drifting on the crust a little easier than most, although China is watching unusual land disruptions occurring, cracking centuries-old monuments and buildings. The Great Wall is being constantly repaired as new cracks appear and the old bricks disintegrate from the low-frequency movements. The Himalaya Mountains are also being pushed this way and that as these immense continents are being moved southward. India is facing huge flooding problems as sea levels rise along its coasts.
Pacific island groups and all small areas of land rising above old volcanic uplifts are in harms way this month and the coming five months at least. Kilauea volcano on Hawaii's big island will become even more active this month and those who have lived with it for so long will begin to be alarmed. We do not see a large explosive eruption, but lava will spread over a much larger area. Island groups of Indonesia will also find themselves in a quandary as their land areas continue to shrink; volcanism will be accelerating as the many small quakes from undersea plate movements will activating the old vents.
Australia's huge desert lands are experiencing many changes as this continent is slowly moving with a crustal displacement of a few feet a year. Residents of the Outback are finding water seeping up through old wells that have been dry for decades. Cities around the rims of the continent are going to find themselves a bit drier than normal for a few months.
On a personal level, each of you will be experiencing different feelings and emotions this month as frequency levels will be jumping up and down. Try to find a stable consistency within by opening up to the inner self that remains your place of peace when you need it. Listen to the inner guidance and you will be where you should be and responding to all circumstances as an eternal spiritual being."
Readers, felt this is an important teaching at this time - should clear up a lot of questions regarding "ascension"
" From the far reaches of space I come. I am the Guardian of the Portal to the Fifth Dimension. It is the Celestial Power that rules the passageway to this dimension from which I speak. I have no name, but am recognized by my vibratory identification. You may reach me by the name "Guardian". This presence speaks now through this most cautious channel, who meditated to make sure of my identity. This presence will communicate information relating to the rapid evolution of humankind toward the higher dimensions of spiritual being.
Men and women of your species have evolved slowly enough to be able to learn to survive on a newly-born planet – to provide food for themselves and to learn to livf with each other in peaceful ways, which has taken a very long time indeed. During the past decades of your time, growth has speeded up in an almost frantic manner; conflicts and wars have molded human thinking in and out of hate and love, greed and selfless giving. Emotional stability is being gained only by advanced minds approaching union with the Higher Self. Greed and power-hungry individuals who gain control of ruling bodies are grabbing and holding very tightly to their positions, for they sense that this kind of effort will no longer be an easy one. These present years are being energized to a point where the consciousness of humankind is advancing rapidly into higher frequencies and, with that new awareness, comes the recognition that all men and women are indeed created equal and are equally deserving of health, happiness, freedom from tyranny, freedom of thought, and growth to a higher state of knowledge of the world and of their spiritual heritage.
Whoever makes the effort to find this message and takes the time to read and understand it is already on the blessed path to a higher and more intense state of mind, having opened the awareness to All That Is and the tremendous power of the Creator. Many of you have already reached the lower planes of the Fourth Dimension and are experiencing communication with the higher dimensions, using new-found abilities of psychic powers and advanced mental awareness. This is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. As you advance in your determination to attain more and more knowledge, the effort will increase the speed of that advancement, for the commitment, effort and time you devote to your evolution acts like a jet stream pushing you ahead with more and more speed.
The dimensions that you speak of so much now are not special places, walled in to keep out intruders and filled with wondrous riches; they are specific frequencies of spiritual attainment. In each named dimension, there are many, many levels to be accessed. When a soul is entirely existing in the spiritual realms, the endeavor to progress from one level to another is most difficult, taking many thousands of your years of study and effort. It is for this reason that each magnificent Soul created by God, as you call the Supreme Creator, has the ability to reach out to the lower dimensions of reality where there are places of density in the universes. There are universes which, in themselves, consist of dense matter populated by beings and creatures of density, struggling up the ladder of time. Planets were created from this concept of density and beings of matter placed upon them into which the parts, pieces, or essences, as you call them, of the great Souls are embodied into physical beings in order to experience all of the emotions and ordeals that are necessary for life in such density.
The Creator also found these planets to be ideal places upon which to place wayward souls who had rebelled against God near the beginning of celestial time. They were given a chance to learn from their mistakes and grow in wisdom, or to play out their hate and resentments among embodied human beings in lower dimensions. This situation set up what you call positive and negative, good and bad, etc. The duality of reason and purpose is essential for the growth of all Soul essences, for without the necessity of choice, reasoning and experiencing the agonies of pain and defeat, there is no way to gain the Path to Truth. Only through experiencing mistakes in thought or conduct can one feel the inner distress that is the message of the parent Soul telling the "children" of its being that they have taken a wrong turn. And only by listening to that inner feeling of guidance can one realize a mistake has been made. Therein lies the way to learning.
It has taken humanity a long time to understand the direction of its purpose, and it is now time to reason with those of you who are trying to climb too rapidly, listening to the con artists of space and time telling you that it is easy to jump up into the high dimensions, if only you follow their directions.
Your concept of time feels like ages between years and decades, but a decade or century is a mere spark in the celestial realms. We rejoice in the progress you are making, here in our fields of infinite time, for it is much more rapid, as I have said, that trying to find the same advancement in spirit. Still, a lifetime of advancement in density is a mere second in the higher realms.
This is not to discourage your efforts, for they are mighty indeed, but to give you the realization that obtaining a spiritual place even in the Fourth Dimension is not a matter of merely wishing to do so. There has to be a conscious commitment to serve the Creator in complete trust, without reservations, in all ways. Meditation is the only way to bring the human mind to the brink of the separation between density and the universal knowledge and power of spirit. In the opening that occurs at that special time, there is the ability to call and communicate with those special spiritual beings, who are also essences of great Souls and who voluntarily assist and guide those who are embodied into matter. Though advancement is more rapid in matter, it takes great determination and courage to descend into such low frequencies; it is the hardest thing a spiritual essence can do.
Let me tell you this time about the Fourth Dimension. The barrier between the Third and Fourth Dimensions is breached in two ways: Either by the death of the human body, or by the frequency of the human mind being raised through meditation and constant mental concentration of and in that higher frequency. Even when the mind is centered in this way, only a small perception of that spiritual realm is possible, for the spiritual essence is still anchored in the Third Dimension. It is those beautiful glimpses of what lies beyond and the contacts with spiritual entities that makes life on your planet a more wonderful experience – there is the reality of who you are, what you are doing here and where you will be going when your purpose is finished that makes all the struggle worthwhile and the fulfillment even more sweet
There are a few embodied human beings on your planet who have reached the point of accomplishing the ability to completely pass from the Third to Fourth dimension when they wish. These entities are generally very powerful parts of a Soul, being sent to accomplish these feats to provide a glimpse of spiritual reality to those who still have far to climb on the ladder of knowledge in human bodies and have access to the knowledge of the universes. You are being told that any of you may advance to such high heights of spirituality, that you will take your human body and simply fade away into higher dimensions. I am sorry to say that for humanity, as a whole, this is a fairy tale.
The effort you have made to embody on this planet was no easy thing. The advancement you have come here to make is extremely important to the powerful Soul you are a part of. If you determine to rise out of the body and return to the higher dimensions, what have you accomplished? Your Soul has not gained the experience and learning it sent you to work with, and you will have wasted the time that was granted to you in matter. In your terms, you are copping out! The human ego has a great deal to do with this effort to ascend to the high planes. Much of what you read has the content of putting you above the masses because you have been contacted by powerful spiritual beings and by different species from other planets or universes much more advanced than you to help you ascend to be with them or rise into the heavenly realms. You are told you are special people -- your egos are having a field day!
Think about this. Why has nothing been said about what your status will be after you have ascended? What will you experience after passing through the spiritual barriers prematurely and without finishing the time you were supposed to spend here, accomplishing the purpose for which you came? What do you really expect to find? Perhaps a welcoming committee of Angels, fields of flowers and beautiful music? That is what you will find, if that is what you are projecting. But, what then? Your ego stays intact for a long time if it is not voluntarily released upon making that transition, and it will shove you into getting for yourself the best there is. In reality, you will be encased, like a big bubble, in a sublime creation of your own making, floating in space, until you get bored and reach out to join the real powers that surround your spiritual essence.
Then it will be time to reunite with your great soul, bringing to it what you have learned, expanding the knowledge of the Soul and rejoicing in the love and power that you are now part of once more.
When a human being dies, without knowledge of what is to be, and expecting nothing at all, there is the gentle guidance of your Angels and Teachers into the new realm of being, giving the consciousness time to adjust to its new surroundings. The all-enfolding Love that exists in all dimensions is profound now, and lifts the consciousness to new levels where the reality of the spiritual entity he or she is becomes comfortable and exciting. If a person has been close to the knowledge of this reality, death of the body is simply stepping across a crack in time and through a misty veil. The expected Angels and Teachers are there to greet and help you on your way back to your parent Soul. If you wish to experience the wonder of traveling around the world, exploring the universe or just resting on a warm beach, any of these things, it is readily granted, and you may spend as much time as you like, for time is of no importance here.
Those who absolutely deny the existence of an afterlife breach the veil unwillingly, holding back in fright at the vastness of a region they have denied. They are gently assisted and drawn into the flow of Love and slowly educated on the realities of the spiritual existence. Sometimes when they still resist, they are permitted to "sleep" or rest for as long as it takes their ego to release the denial and come back to ask for help and assistance.
We are speaking here of the first level, or entrance level, of the Fourth Dimension. For, all those who return to spirit will spend at least a short time here, getting used to the change in vibrations.
In your past century, Soul essences who have embodied to your planet have been mostly sent from the higher planes of the Fourth Dimension or from different planes of the Fifth Dimension. These entities will return to those dimensions when they are ready. It is the frequency and position of the Soul parent that decides where the individual essence will reside, not the determination of the embodied personality, no matter how much he or she is determined to rise bodily into the Fifth Dimension!
The very few embodied human beings who have accomplished this are numbered on the fingers of your hands. They were essences of the most powerful spiritual Souls in your universe and did so for very special reasons. The man Jesus was the prime example of this, as his Great Soul was directed by the Creator to enter a human body to give direction and truth to humanity.
This may be deflating to some of you, but remember that the Laws of God are infinite and infallible. There is nothing wrong with reaching the highest frequency of spiritual knowledge you can, for this is part of the purpose for which you came. It is part of the learning of the essence who has returned many times to density and is reaching, at last, the pinnacle of knowledge in this dimension. This pinnacle is indeed the attainment of communication and realization of who and what you are. Those who have not come to that point of knowledge in their incarnations will return again, either on this planet or in other places of density, to continue their advancement.
When you have reached the pinnacle of joining with the knowledge of your Soul Parent, your circle of incarnations will have been completed in the Third Dimension. You may then be assigned new challenges in other frequencies in which to experiment and reach higher knowledge, traveling further into the unknown. The Kingdom of God is limitless and the long path to the final reunion with the Eternal Power takes innumerable reaches of infinite time. Life, real life, is unimaginably rich and exciting. Reach for it, expect it, and you will find a universe of love and fulfillment waiting for you.
Powers you cannot possibly understand are sending you love and energy to achieve the purposes you came here to accomplish. You are never alone and you are always supported by the Hands of God. Amen."

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