Le Royaume de Dieu est en toi et tout autour de toi

Jésus a dit "Le Royaume de Dieu est en toi et tout autour de toi, pas dans des palais de bois ou de pierre"

Jésus dit "Fend le bois je suis là; soulève la pierre et tu m'y trouveras!"

samedi 2 janvier 2010



Beloved masters, the majority of humanity has forgotten that within the
Universal Laws there is a God-given right which allows each human Being
to reclaim the ability to commune with the ascended masters and the
great Beings of the higher realms. Internal communication is a direct
sharing of thoughts without words or sound. This is your natural state
of Being. However, there are prerequisites and conditions that must be
attained before you can access the universal telepathic airways.
While in your Pyramid of Light in the fifth dimension, ask that your
guardians, guides and angelic helpers join you there. Ask your personal
Council of Light to assist you in your endeavors, to strengthen your
resolve and to give you the power, will and wisdom that you need to move
into the next level of spiritual awareness. You all are in a critical
phase of your spiritual growth process, whereby you are being asked to
release all that is holding you back from the spiritual freedom you are
seeking. This means dysfunctional and restrictive relationships, harmful
addictive and negative habits and thought patterns and possessions that
are taking up too much of your time, effort and abundance.
During this shifting of the Ages cycle, you are experiencing a great
variety of transformative changes. You are reclaiming all the personal
fragments of energy/thought forms that you created during your long
journey into the physical expression. You are reuniting with the many
Sparks of consciousness that make up your Divine Self and your Soul
family, and you are also striving to become a spiritual/human adult
while existing in an ever-expanding, multidimensional realm of
Those of you who have laid the groundwork and are well on your way to
Self-mastery are now ready for the next level of spiritual awareness.
You, the Star Seed, the brave ones who have suffered through and emerged
triumphant from many dark nights of the Soul in order to purge
yourselves of old self-limiting concepts and energy patterns, are now
ready to step to the foreground as the vanguard of evolving humanity and
the inhabitants of the Light, bright and refreshed Earth.
You must consciously examine your beliefs and discard those which no
longer serve your greatest good. You must remove yourself from the
restrictions and the distortions of the collective consciousness belief
patterns of the past. By doing so, you will gradually be lifted from the
stifling density of the third- and lower fourth-dimensional environment.
You must disentangle yourselves from the confinement of misplaced
obligations, real or imagined restrictions, and distorted, debilitating
beliefs of the lower realms of physicality. Being in the world but not
of it is one if the most important truths a budding master must learn
and apply. Your main goal is to return to an accepted spectrum of
duality, whereby your Energetic Signature is vibrating at a harmonious
frequency pattern which is compatible with the mid-fourth dimension or
higher. This is the required level of harmonious frequencies needed to
tap into the power and magic of the transmuting Violet Flame and to
begin to access and use a full measure of Adamantine Particles of
Creator Light. This Light has consciousness; and as you assimilate it
and activate it with your loving intention, the gift of higher
consciousness is yours to use and to share. Never forget, this Creator
Light is your Life Line to the ALL THAT IS.
The world within is filled with magic, wonderment and access to
abilities that are beyond your imagining. You have spent a much longer
time in a non-physical reality than you have in a physical body. Earthly
existence is merely a moment in time compared to the eternity of the
higher realms. Your Sacred Mind is a storehouse of past experiences,
wisdom and cosmic law. When the Soul merges fully with the Sacred Heart,
it is a grand reunion of monumental proportions. The Soul, your
intuition and your inner-sensory abilities are all etheric Light
Sources. When your intentions are centered in love and projected with
purity, you become a powerful source of Sacred Fire energy.

Some time ago (November, 2003) we gave you a message entitled YOU ARE
THE INBREATH OF THE CREATOR. In that message we told you, "There have
been some misconceptions about the Inbreath, and the popular belief has
been that the Creator will Breathe In all that has been created. This is
not true. The Creator is sending forth ITS radiance to incorporate all
the magnificence that has ever been created. Beloved ones, you are the
Inbreath. You will breathe in the Essence of the Creator as you ready
your human vessel to receive more and more refined Light and the
rarefied vibrational frequencies of the higher realms. You, in your
human vessel, will incorporate the Essence of the Creator that is
permeating the Earth plane as well as the entire universe."

We cannot emphasize enough how important the breath is in reclaiming
your Divine nature. Not the shallow breathing that the majority of
people on Earth have accepted as the proper way to breathe. This type of
shallow breathing has resulted in many debilitating symptoms and
dis-eases, as well as limiting your intake of Divine Essence, which is
critical to your well being and the reclamation of your vessel of Light.
We have explained and emphasized the Infinity Breath, the Accordion
Breath and how important is the practice of breathing with intention.
The Infinity Breath could be called the Ascension Breath, for it aligns
your galactic chakras with your physical vessel, and opens the return
passageways to the higher dimensions. It speeds up the process of
building your ascending vehicle of Light called the MerKiVah. It also
facilitates the opening of the portal to your Sacred Mind and the front
and back portals to your Sacred Heart. The Accordion Breath facilitates
a double benefit: it draws forth the Adamantine Particles stored within
the root chakra and also the AP's stored within your etheric replica,
located within your fifth-dimensional personal Pyramid of Light, which
flow forth from the City of Light in which you have established a
connection. This supplies a continuous flow of Creator Particles to and
through your physical vessel, then out into your personal creator wheel
and ultimately out into the world of form.
In the past, we have also spoken about rhythmic breathing, which could
be called the Sacred Breath. When practiced regularly, this technique
will energize your bodily form and improve your health, for it will
supply your physical Being with the radiant particles of God Light
needed for optimum performance and longevity. It is also an effective
way to radiate the Violet Flame or Adamantine Particles of Light out
into the world of form for the benefit of all. The Sacred Breath entails
deep inbreathing which begins in the lower abdomen. Breathe deeply and
slowly as you extend the stomach and then the chest area as you envision
the breath slowly rising up and out of the crown chakra. When you have
filled the lungs to the maximum, hold the breath for the same span of
time as the inbreath. Envision a ball of Light slowly moving down your
column of Light as you gradually release the breath, drawing the stomach
in as you hold the breath the same length of time before beginning the
next inbreath. You should state your intention (affirmations) before you
begin the Sacred Breath, such as radiating the Violet Flame or
Adamantine Particles of Light out to the world, or any of the brief
affirmations you have been given.

In order to get the rhythm of this type of breathing, in the beginning,
you may wish to breathe in to the count of five or seven, hold for the
same count, breathe out and hold for the same count until you are
comfortable with the process. All four actions should be of the same
duration with a smooth, fluid, effortless motion.

This is also a wonderful group activity and a powerful method for
spreading the Violet Flame and the Divine Light of the Creator. As you
become accustomed to deep rhythmic breathing, you will no longer be
comfortable with the short, shallow breathing techniques used by the
Recently, a dear, dedicated Soul asked this important question: "I have
a question about the practice of forgiveness. I forgive everyone with
whom I've shared conflicting, discordant energy during my present or
past lives, and I return to them, wrapped in a bubble of love, all
negative memories, impacted energies and probable futures we have
created together." (Page 86, Reference & Revelations * Glossary &
Illustrations). I have been doing this daily and have found it to be
extremely powerful. My question is: Why do we return the memories,
energies and probable futures to the other people? Why not release them
altogether, perhaps into the Violet Flame?"

Our beloved messenger's answer to her was, "When we forgive others
through our loving intention, we return the negative vibrational
patterns we have created back into neutral Light substance. However, the
other person's vibrational patterns are still in the original discordant
form that were created during the negative interaction between the
parties involved. We cannot transform their negative energy; they have
to do that themselves. However, by wrapping their negative vibrations in
love, we are sending them a gift of Adamantine Particles along with
their negative thought forms, and if they so desire, it will give them a
gift of Love/Light with which they can transmute their negative thought
patterns more easily. If they choose not to accept the gift and,
thereby, not learn the lesson involved, it will manifest again through
another person and situation. However, we are released from that karmic
interaction and will never have to experience it again. We have gained
the wisdom from the experience, for we have responded in a loving
masterful way. That is why AA Michael tells us, 'You cannot change
anyone else; you can only change yourself, which will change the
dynamics between you.'
"It is the same with the Love/Light we send out via our personal creator
wheel. It not only benefits us and helps us to manifest what we desire
for the greatest good, but we are encased and moving in an auric field
filled with Adamantine Particles of Love/Light. That is why people wish
to be near us and why they feel inspired and 'lifted' in our presence.
If they open their hearts to the gift, they will receive an infusion of
God Light through us, and it is the same with the Iridescent Pink Ray of
Divine Love of the Goddess and also the transforming Violet Flame. We
become bearers and conveyers of this Divine Energy when we move into a
state of balance and harmony, and have aligned ourselves with our I AM
Presence and sincerely ask that everything we think, do and say is for
the greatest good of all. Remember, AA Michael said the most beneficial
gift of tithing is to share the Creator Love/Light that we receive with
others, until the time comes when they can access that blessed gift for

"Allow us to give you some more thoughts to contemplate until we come
together again next month: The reality of the senses – physical body
consciousness: When you are in the flow of Spirit, you will exist very
lightly in your body with no pain or discomfort. You may experience
diminished bodily sensations except an expanded feeling of love within
the heart area, and you will experience a great sense of well-being and

You must become aware of your physical body consciousness as your Body
Elemental wakes up, so to speak. Gradually, it will begin to work
harmoniously with you to correct all the miscreations you have
manifested within your bodily form due to erroneous thought forms. Over
time, you will become more sensitive to your Body Elemental's signals.
You are constantly being bombarded by the input of the five physical
senses. Moment to moment, you are either evolving or devolving. Nothing
remains static.

Problems arise when there is a lack of attunement or empathetic
alignment with others. A negative environment caused from self-serving,
inharmonious conduct often results in friction and alienation. Each
person must closely examine their own feelings, actions and projections
of Life Force energy because when it is tainted or misqualified, it is
potentially disturbing and destructive rather then empowering and

Do not deny yourselves the blessings of the physical realm, which are
your Divine birthright, by becoming a devout ascetic like so many who,
in the past, sought ascension through denial by forsaking all worldly
pleasure. This path does not lead to Self-mastery and enlightenment.
Centered self-awareness, pure thoughts and the ability to rise above the
discord created by hate, resentment, jealousy and greed are the quickest
way to tame the ego and return to a balanced and harmonious

When you reach a certain level of Self-mastery, we endeavor to encourage
you and to get your attention by intensifying the Love/Light within your
Sacred Heart. It could be called a Spiritual Light infusion.

If you can view all that is presently in your life as transitory except
the Love/Light and Spiritual Fire within your heart/soul, then you will
know what we are trying to convey to you. Release your fear of the past
and future, eliminate the emotional and mental controls others have over
you and become the free Spirit you were meant to be. We are ever near to
assist and inspire you. You are loved profoundly.
I AM Archangel Michael.

* Transmitted through Ronna
Herman *

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Méditation guidée

Vibration de Saint Germain Le beau Danube bleu


Vibration du Maître ascensionné Saint Germain La valse de l empereur